Sunday, June 1, 2014

1 Day, 3 Cities

Day 2 of my weekend in Andalucía was a crazy one filled with travelling…I had breakfast in Granada, lunch in Cordoba, and dinner in Seville!  In Granada, we had the hotel continental breakfast before leaving on the bus.  I’m not typically a fan of free hotel breakfasts, but this one was so different from any I’ve had in the US.  There was a lovely tray of smoked Spanish ham and manchego cheese, a bowl of fresh fruit, and baskets of delicate, fresh pastries.  The chocolate croissant I tried here even made my top 5 list of favorite chocolate croissants. 
      From there, we were off to Cordoba to see the cathedral-mosque.  This is such a unique site due to the mix of Catholic and Muslim elements.  It was built in the year 782, but was partially converted into a Catholic church after Christians arrived in 1230.  The shape of the entire mosque is a big rectangle with a Catholic church in the center in the shape of a cross.  I was amazed at how richly both cultures were portrayed in this one space--the contrast was so interesting. 
An altar in the cathedral with beautiful Arabic mosaics
      Once we were finished admiring the cathedral/mosque, we headed for lunch.  The group I went with decided on tapas.  We tried gazpacho, vegetable pisto (a sort of Spanish ratatouille), calamari, bacalao croquettes (deep fried fritters of potato and fish), and my favorite, eggplant chips with honey.  We had some free time to admire the city before heading to the train station to go to Seville.
      In Seville, I stayed in a hostel for the first time.  Since I was travelling with a big group—14 other classmates—I was eased into the hostel experience.  Twelve of us (luckily all girls) stayed in one big room with 6 bunk beds and a bathroom.  Hooray for not having to sleep near random people!  On the same floor, there was a kitchen and common area with wi-fi.  On the top floor, there was a small bar/food station and a deck with a pool, lounge chairs, and tables.

Hostel living...not too shabby!
      After locking away my stuff in a storage drawer at the hostel, since I wasn’t about to let any potential thieves trick me, a few friends and I went exploring.  We had passed a small outdoor market on our way to the hostel, so we returned to check it out.  We also went down some of the main shopping streets, and I found another fabric store.  There was also some sort of religious procession happening, so we followed it to the beautiful, historic square where the cathedral is situated.

Rooftop terrace at the hostel
At this point, we were ready for dinner.  We shared a smoked salmon salad, grilled vegetables (garnished with ham, of course...good thing I'm not vegetarian!), and grilled merluza with this amazing mushroom/truffle oil  concoction on top.  On our way back to the hostel, we stopped for ice cream.  I got creme brûlée and dark chocolate hazelnut.  The sweet, buttery taste of the creme brûlée went perfectly with the slight bitterness of the chocolate...yum!  After getting this small glimpse of Seville, I couldn’t wait to go out the next day and do lots more exploring!

A flamenco shop in Seville

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